


Oct. 25: Authoritarian Influence, Democratization, and Taiwan

Oct. 25: Authoritarian Influence, Democratization, and Taiwan

Wednesday, October 25, 2017 from 12:00 PM1:00 PM


Please join the Global Taiwan Institute as we host a public seminar focused on the rise of authoritarian influence and democratic responses, both in the Asia-Pacific region and worldwide. In particular, our panel will discuss the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) multi-pronged efforts to subvert established and fledgling democracies, while entrenching authoritarian tendencies. As a longstanding target of CCP influence operations and a strong proponent of democratization, Taiwan can and has already played a significant role in democracy promotion and countering China’s influence operations. Our panelists will analyze these efforts and discuss Taiwan’s potential role in countering these projects.

Doors will open at 11:30. A light lunch will be served, and the event will begin at 12:00. Kindly RSVP by October 23. Please direct questions or concerns to abell@globaltaiwan.org.

**Media: Please contact Anna Scott Bell at abell@globaltaiwan.org if you would like to bring additional crew members or equipment, so that we can be sure to accommodate you.


Louisa Greve has worked on Asian political development for three decades. While working at the National Endowment for Democracy as Director for East Asia, and previously as Senior Program Officer, and Program Officer, she developed NED’s small-grants program for East Asia. She developed new programs for North Korea, Mongolia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and China, including support for Tibetan and Uyghur human rights. She was NED’s Vice President for Asia, Middle East & North Africa, and Global Programs from 2009 to 2017. Ms. Greve served on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International USA from 1993 to 1998, and was co-chair of the China & Tibet Coordination Group from 1990 to 1999. She has served on the Virginia State Advisory Committee of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and the Board of Trustees of Telluride Association. She was a member of a Council on Foreign Relations Term Member working group on emerging global threats and the Taiwan Policy Working Group (AEI/Armitage International, 2008), She has testified before Congressional committees and commissions on human rights, cyber-hacking, and democracy promotion in Asia. Recent articles include Liu Xiaobo’s Fight for Freedom and China at the Tipping Point? The Troubled Periphery.

Joshua Kurlantzick is Senior Fellow for Southeast Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).  Kurlantzick was previously a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where he studied Southeast Asian politics and economics and China’s relations with Southeast Asia, including Chinese investment, aid, and diplomacy. Previously, he was a fellow at the University of Southern California Center on Public Diplomacy and a fellow at the Pacific Council on International Policy. Kurlantzick has also served as a columnist for Time, a correspondent for The Economist based in Bangkok, a special correspondent for the New Republic, a senior correspondent for the American Prospect, and a contributing writer for Mother Jones. He also serves on the editorial board of Current History. He is the winner of the Luce Scholarship for journalism in Asia and was selected as a finalist for the Osborn Elliott Prize for Excellence in Journalism in Asia. His first book, Charm Offensive: How China’s Soft Power Is Transforming the World, was nominated for CFR’s 2008 Arthur Ross Book Award. He is also the author of Democracy in Retreat: The Revolt of the Middle Class and the Worldwide Decline in Representative Government (2013) as well as State Capitalism (2016).

Mark Lagon is Chief Policy Officer at Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. He is Distinguished Senior Scholar at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. In the NGO world, he served as President of Freedom House. In the Executive Branch, he served in three successive roles at the Department of State: member of the Secretary of State’s Policy Planning Staff; Deputy Assistant Secretary of International Organization Affairs; and finally Ambassador-at-Large directing the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. Earlier on Capitol Hill, he was senior staffer at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He is co-editor with Anthony Clark Arend of the 2014 book, Human Dignity and the Future of Global Institutions.

The Civil Society and Democracy series will continue throughout the year and focus on various topics relating to Taiwan’s democracy and human rights. The Taiwan Foundation for Democracy is a non-profit, non-partisan organization and is the first national democracy assistance foundation to be established in Asia, and is devoted to strengthening democracy and human rights in Taiwan and abroad.

Eventbrite - Authoritarian Influence, Democratization, and Taiwan's Role
