

GTI 2020 Annual Symposium: US-Taiwan Relations: Building the Foundation for a Global Partnership

GTI 2020 Annual Symposium: US-Taiwan Relations: Building the Foundation for a Global Partnership

Webinar Platform: Webex

*** This event will be live-streamed here:

Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 8:30 AM-1:00 PM (EST)
Wednesday, September 16, 2020, 8:30 AM-12:30 PM (EST)

Event Description:

Please join the Global Taiwan Institute (GTI) at our 2020 annual symposium, featuring leading policy experts and prominent keynote speakers on US-Taiwan relations. The event, taking place over the course of two half-day virtual sessions, will be organized around four engaging panel discussions on a range of challenging and pressing issues pertinent to the future of US-Taiwan relations.

As GTI’s flagship event, the symposium is an annual forum that convenes leading experts on US-Taiwan policy to assess current developments and potential future implications. At this year’s event, our panels will tackle the challenges and opportunities facing the US and Taiwan as they work to build the foundation for a global partnership, including discussions of global cooperation and strategy, political trends in Taiwan and the cross-Strait relationship, economic security and trade issues, and defence and non-military coercion.

Please refer to the agenda below for the confirmed list of speakers. We invite you to continue to check our website and social media as we confirm and update speakers and guests. The event webcast will be broadcasted live on our website and YouTube starting at 8:30 AM (EST) on Tuesday, September 15, 2020. Questions for the panel may either be sent by e-mail to contact@globaltaiwan.org or through the chat function on the YouTube page.

Tuesday, September 15:

8:25am – 8:30am Welcome Remarks
Dr. Chen Wen-yen, Chairman, Global Taiwan Institute

8:30am – 8:40am Welcome Remarks
Ambassador Hsiao Bi-khim, Representative, TECRO

8:40am – 9:00am Opening Keynote
The Hon. Dr. Jaushieh Joseph Wu, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Taiwan (ROC)

9:00am – 10:30am Panel One: Global Cooperation and Strategy

      • Panelists:
        • Randy Schriver (Project 2049 Institute)
        • Ashley J. Tellis (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
        • Nobukatsu Kanehara (Doshisha University)
        • John Lee (Hudson Institute)
        • Vincent Chao (TECRO)
      • Moderator:
        • Russell Hsiao (Global Taiwan Institute)

10:30am – 12:00pm Panel Two: Political Trends & Cross-Strait Relations 

      • Panelists:
        • Bonnie Glaser (Center for Strategic and International Studies)
        • Shelley Rigger (Davidson College/Global Taiwan Institute)
        • J. Michael Cole (Global Taiwan Institute)
        • Amb. (ret.) Steve Young (Global Taiwan Institute)
        • Richard Bush (Brookings Institution)
      • Moderator:
        • I-wei Jennifer Chang (Global Taiwan Institute)

12:00pm – 1:00pm Luncheon Keynote
A Conversation with Rep. Mike Gallagher

Wednesday, September 16:

8:30am – 9:00am Opening Keynote
The Hon. David Helvey, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, Department of Defense

9:00am – 10:30am Panel Three: Economic Security & Trade 

      • Panelists:
        • Lt. Col. (ret.) Mark Stokes (Project 2049 Institute/Global Taiwan Institute)
        • Evan Feigenbaum (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
        • Will Foreman (Taiwan Readout)
        • Barbara Weisel (Rockcreek Advisors)
      • Moderator:
        • Rupert Hammond-Chambers (US-Taiwan Business Council)

10:30am – 12:00pm Panel Four: Defense & Non-Military Coercion

      • Panelists:
        • Elbridge Colby (Marathon Initiative)
        • Eric Sayers (Center for a New American Security)
        • Lt. Gen. (ret.) Chip Gregson (Center for the National Interest/Global Taiwan Institute)
        • Shirley Kan (Global Taiwan Institute)
        • Michael Beckley (Harvard Kennedy School)
      • Moderator:
        • Michael Mazza (Global Taiwan Institute)

12:00pm – 12:30pm Closing Keynote
The Hon. Brent Christensen, Director, American Institute in Taiwan
