Thursday, December 15, 2022 from 9:00 AM – 10:45 AM (ET)
Online Only
Event Description:
The Global Taiwan Institute (GTI) is pleased to invite you to a seminar titled “The Prospects for Cross-Strait Relations in 2023 and Beyond.” 2022 was a highly eventful year for Taiwan and developments related to Taiwan. These included—but were not limited to—increasingly coercive People’s Republic of China (PRC) military activity directed at Taiwan; US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, and the subsequent provocative PRC military exercises conducted around the island; the release of a revised PRC official white paper that further asserted Beijing’s claims over Taiwan; and a meeting between US President Joe Biden and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Xi Jinping, which reportedly included Xi’s assertions of the PRC’s “red lines” over Taiwan. The final months of 2022 also saw important political events in the United States, the PRC, and Taiwan: in the United States, the mid-term elections; in the PRC, the 20th Party Congress of the CCP; and in Taiwan, the “nine-in-one” local elections for country and municipal governments.
Each of these events and developments, in distinctive ways, could influence the future direction of politics and geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific region. Looking ahead to 2023, what trends should we expect to see in relations between the United States and China, and across the Taiwan Strait? Are there any realistic prospects for thawing the deadlocked relations between Beijing and Taipei? Will the results of Taiwan’s recent local elections, which featured a strong performance by the opposition Kuomintang (KMT), alter the dynamics of cross-Strait ties, or not? Will there be any relaxation of the PRC’s military and political coercive pressure directed at the island and its people, or will it only intensify during Xi’s third term in office? How will the growing relationship between the United States and Taiwan likely to develop in the year ahead, in the face of determined opposition from Beijing?
GTI welcomes you to join us on December 15, to hear a distinguished panel of experts consider these and other questions affecting the trilateral China-Taiwan-USA relationship.
The event will also be broadcast live on our website and on YouTube beginning at 9:00 AM. Please direct questions or concerns to Program Manager Marshall Reid at
The Speakers:
Dr. Chen Fang-yu is an assistant professor of Political Science at Soochow University (Taipei, Taiwan). His research interests include authoritarian politics, party politics, political behavior in new democracies, and the trilateral relationship between the United States, China, and Taiwan. Dr. Chen holds a PhD in political science from Michigan State University (2020), where his dissertation topic was “Ruling Party Institutionalization in Autocracies.” His research has been published in a number of journals, to include Political Research Quarterly, Journal of East Asian Studies, Journal of Asian and African Studies, The Social Science Journal, and Asian Politics & Policy.
Dr. Chen Liang-yu (Evans Chen) is an associate research fellow in the Division of National Defense Strategy and Resources at the Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR), a think tank affiliated with Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND). He received his PhD in political science from the University of California, Riverside, and his areas of research focus include US foreign policy, Asia-Pacific regional security issues, and Taiwan defense issues. In addition to commentary offered in various media outlets, his research has been published in a number of journals, to include the Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, Eurasia Studies, Studies on Chinese Communism, and The Review of Global Politics.
Dr. June Teufel Dreyer is professor of political science at the University of Miami, where she teaches courses on China, US defense policy, and international relations. She has also lectured to, and taught a course for, National Security Agency analysts. Formerly senior Far East specialist at the Library of Congress, she has also served as Asia policy advisor to the Chief of Naval Operations and as commissioner of the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission established by the US Congress. Professor Dreyer received her BA from Wellesley College and her MA and PhD from Harvard, and has lived in China and Japan and paid numerous visits to Taiwan. She has served as a United States Information Agency lecturer, speaking in fourteen Asia-Pacific states. Professor Dreyer has published widely on the Chinese military, Asian-Pacific security issues, China-Taiwan relations, Sino-Japanese relations, ethnic minorities in China, and Chinese foreign policy.
Dr. Scott L. Kastner is a professor in the Department of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland. Dr. Kastner’s research focuses on the international politics of East Asia, and he is the author of War and Peace in the Taiwan Strait (2022), China’s Strategic Multilateralism: Investing in Global Governance (with Margaret Pearson and Chad Rector, 2019) and Political Conflict and Economic Interdependence across the Taiwan Strait and Beyond (2009). His work has also appeared in journals such as International Security, Journal of Conflict Resolution, International Studies Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, Security Studies, and Journal of Contemporary China. He received his PhD in political science from the University of California, San Diego.
The Moderator:
John Dotson is the deputy director at GTI. John has performed extensive writing and research on a range of political and national security issues related to US policy in East Asia, to include Chinese propaganda and influence efforts, military-civil fusion efforts within the People’s Liberation Army, and patterns in military coercion efforts directed against Taiwan. He is a proficient Mandarin linguist, who has performed extensive original research in indigenous Chinese language sources. Prior to his time with GTI, he served as a US Navy officer, as a staff member of the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, and as editor of the Jamestown Foundation’s publication China Brief. Dotson holds an MA in National Security Studies from the US Naval War College, as well as a Master of International Public Policy from Johns Hopkins-SAIS.
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