


Recording: Reagan’s Six Assurances

Recording: Reagan’s Six Assurances

July 11: President Reagan’s Six Assurances After 35 Years

On July 11, GTI hosted a public seminar considering President Ronald Reagan’s Six Assurances from 1982 and their implications for today. As a key pillar of US-Taiwan relations, these assurances remain the bedrock of robust US support for Taiwan. Thirty-five years after they were issued, our seminar looked at how they continue to influence critical issues like arms sales to Taiwan, the US-China relationship, and debates about sovereignty. We were joined by Jamie Fly, Senior Fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States,  Lieutenant General Wallace “Chip” Gregson (USMC, Ret.), and Dennis P. Halpin who retired from the Foreign Service after 26 years of service. These former  officials  shed important light on the Six Assurances and their relevance for our own time, as the military balance tilts in favor of the People’s Liberation Army, Beijing exerts increasing pressure on Taiwan, and the United States seeks an effective response.

