Armando Aliu



Armando Aliu

Armando Aliu is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of International and Political Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland). He also works as Postdoctoral Fellow in the framework of the research project entitled “Promoting Order at the Edge of Turbulance (POET)”, run by the Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Emilian Kavalski in the Center for International Studies and Development (CISAD) and co-financed by the Polish Academic Exchange Council and the Polish National Science Council. Likewise, he is contributing to the “TRIZUB Project: Trajectories, Encounter Networks and Actions from Ukraine to Bologna” –financed by funds from project “ALMA IDEA 2022: Linea A finanziata a valere sulle risorse del D.M. 737/2021”, CUP J45F21002000001 – as external researcher representing the Jagiellonian University. He is currently working on “Nicaulaus Copernicus Initiative” to attract EU funding and grants from the European Commission. 

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