Dennis W.H. Kwok



Dennis W.H. Kwok

Dennis W.H. Kwok is a senior research fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation. Kwok was a founding member of the Civic Party in Hong Kong, which was one of the key political parties in Hong Kong that championed for the protection of the rule of law, greater democracy and human rights. In 2012, Kwok was elected as the member of the Legislative Council (LegCo) representing the Hong Kong legal profession, and was re-elected in 2016. During his tenure, he focused primarily on access to justice, human rights protection and the independence of the judiciary in Hong Kong. He has also also served on the board of the China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group, which provided a support network to human rights lawyers in the People’s Republic of China. In addition to his current position, he is also a distinguished scholar at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. A practicing lawyer, Kwok obtained his LLB from King’s College London.

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