GTI Insights
An audio podcast produced and hosted by the staff of GTI, GTI Insights consists of brief, timely interviews with a wide range of policy experts, including academics, government officials, and journalists. From security and defense matters to diplomatic and trade issues, the podcast explores a variety of topics related to Taiwan and its place in the world. In doing so, it works to shed light on the unique challenges and opportunities facing the island democracy in an uncertain world.
Season 4, Episode 10:
Season 4, Episode 9:
In Season 4, Episode 9 of GTI Insights, GTI Program Manager Marshall Reid and GTI Research Associate Adrienne Wu interview Ben Sando, a research fellow at Doublethink Lab and a recipient of GTI’s Taiwan Scholarship. In a timely conversation, Sando shares his perspectives on China’s evolving efforts to influence Taiwan’s democracy, the crucial role civil society groups play in responding to these operations, and the potential for expanded international cooperation at the grassroots level.
Season 4, Episode 8:
In Season 4, Episode 8 of GTI Insights, GTI Program Manager Marshall Reid and GTI Research Associate Adrienne Wu interview Dr. Ja-Ian Chong, an associate professor of political science at the National University of Singapore. In a compelling conversation, Dr. Chong shares his insights on Singapore’s unique cultural, linguistic, and economic ties with Taiwan, China’s mounting efforts to influence diaspora communities in Singapore, and potential future avenues for Singapore-Taiwan collaboration.
Season 4, Episode 7:
In Season 4, Episode 7 of GTI Insights, GTI Program Manager Marshall Reid and GTI Summer Intern Eric Jung interview Joshua Espeña, lecturer at the Department of Political Science and International Studies at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines and Resident Fellow at International Development and Security Cooperation in Manila. In an illuminating discussion, Espeña shares his insights into the Philippines’ approach to and relationship with cross-Strait tensions and the potential for future Taiwan-Philippines cooperation.
Season 4, Episode 6:
In Season 4, Episode 6 of GTI Insights, GTI Program Manager Marshall Reid and Program Associate Zoë Weaver-Lee interview Dr. Dramane Germain Thiombiano, an assistant professor at National Sun Yat-sen University. In a fascinating conversation, Dr. Dramane shares his perspectives on Taiwan’s precarious position in Africa, the growing role of China on the continent, and the potential for future Taiwan-Africa engagement.
Season 4, Episode 5:
In Season 4, Episode 5 of GTI Insights, GTI Program Manager Marshall Reid and Program Associate Zoë Weaver-Lee interview Julieta Heduvan, a Paraguayan academic and foreign policy analyst. In a timely conversation, Heduvan shares her insights on Taiwan-Paraguay relations, the implications of the 2023 Paraguayan national elections, and China’s efforts to pressure Paraguay.
Season 4, Episode 4:
In Season 4, Episode 4 of GTI Insights, GTI Program Manager Marshall Reid and Intern Melynn Oliver interview Dr. Satoru Nagao, a non-resident fellow at the Hudson Institute. In an expansive discussion, Dr. Nagao shares his perspectives on Japan’s security policy, relations with Taiwan and the United States, and participation in regional multilateral organizations.
Season 4, Episode 3:
In this episode of GTI Insights, GTI Program Manager Marshall Reid interviews Alexandre Dayant, the deputy director of the Indo-Pacific Development Centre at the Lowy Institute. In a timely conversation, Dayant shares his perspectives on Taiwan and China’s diverging approaches to the Pacific Islands, Taipei’s efforts to refine its foreign aid programs, and the future of Taiwan-Pacific Islands cooperation.
Season 4, Episode 2:
In this episode of GTI Insights, GTI Program Manager Marshall Reid and Research Assistant Adrienne Wu interview Jonas Parello-Plesner, the executive director of the Alliance of Democracies Foundation. In an engaging discussion, Parello-Plesner shares his insights on the impacts of the war in Ukraine for European approaches to Taiwan, growing NATO interest in the Taiwan Strait, and Taiwan’s role in the community of democracies.
Season 4, Episode 1:
In this episode GTI Insights, GTI Program Manager Marshall Reid and Program Associate Zoë Weaver-Lee interview Rasheed Griffith, a non-resident senior fellow with the Asia & Latin America Program at the Inter-American Dialogue. In a wide-ranging discussion, Griffith shares his perspectives on Taiwan’s diplomatic partnerships in the Caribbean, growing Chinese investment in the region, and US efforts to push back against Beijing’s influence in Caribbean states.