Michael Sobolik



Michael Sobolik

Michael Sobolik is a senior fellow in Indo-Pacific studies at the American Foreign Policy Council (AFPC). His work covers American and Chinese grand strategy, regional economic and security trends, America’s alliance architecture in Asia, and human rights. Sobolik also hosts Great Power Podcast, AFPC’s show about great power competition and US-China relations. His new book, Countering China’s Great Game: A Strategy for American Dominance, was published by Naval Institute Press in 2024. Sobolik’s analysis has appeared in the Washington PostForeign PolicyPolitico, Newsweek, National Review, Jane’s Defence Weekly, and RealClearDefense. Prior to joining AFPC, Michael served as a legislative assistant in the United States Senate from 2014 to 2019. While in the Senate, Sobolik drafted legislation on China, Russia, India, Taiwan, North Korea, and Cambodia, as well as strategic systems and missile defense. Sobolik is a graduate of Texas A&M University, where he studied political philosophy as an undergraduate. He also earned his Master of International Affairs degree in American grand strategy and US-China relations at the Bush School of Government and Public Service.

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