

GTI 2024 Annual Symposium: US-Taiwan Relations: An Ironclad Partnership in a Period of Global Disruption

GTI 2024 Annual Symposium: US-Taiwan Relations: An Ironclad Partnership in a Period of Global Disruption

Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 8:00 AM-3:45 PM (ET)

1777 F Street NW, Rockefeller-Peterson Room

Event Description:

Please join the Global Taiwan Institute (GTI) at our 2024 annual symposium, featuring leading policy experts and prominent keynote speakers on US-Taiwan relations. The event, taking place over the course of a full day, in-person session, will be organized around three engaging panel discussions on a range of challenges and opportunities facing the United States and Taiwan as they enhance a global partnership for peace and security.

As GTI’s flagship event, the symposium is an annual forum that convenes leading experts on US-Taiwan policy to discuss current challenges and propose potential future solutions. At this year’s event, our panels will examine the impact of global disruptions on Taiwan security, cross-Strait trends and US policy, and defense and security developments across the Taiwan Strait.

Please refer to the agenda below for the list of confirmed speakers. We invite you to continue to check our website and social media as we confirm and update speakers and guests. Questions for the panels may either be sent by e-mail to contact@globaltaiwan.org or through the chat function on the YouTube page. 

Doors will open at 8:00 AM, and the event will begin at 8:30 AM. If you plan on attending in-person, please RSVP here by October 14, as seating is limited. Please only register if you would like to attend in-person. Lunch will be provided. Please direct any questions to Program Manager Adrienne Wu at awu@globaltaiwan.org.

The event will also be broadcast live on our website and on YouTube beginning at 8:30 AM.

**Media: Please contact Adrienne Wu at awu@globaltaiwan.org if you would like to bring additional crew members or equipment so that we can be sure to accommodate you.


8:00 AM – 8:40 AM Registration

8:40 AM – 8:45 AM Welcome Remarks

  • Jennifer Hu
    Chair of the Board of Directors, Global Taiwan Institute

8:45 AM – 8:50 AM Welcome Remarks

  • Andrea Yang
    Deputy Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office

8:50 AM – 8:55 AM Welcome Message (video)

  • Representative John Moolenaar
    Chairman of the House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party

9:00 AM – 9:15 AM Opening Keynote (Virtual)

  • Raymond F. Greene
    Director, American Institute in Taiwan

9:15 AM – 10:45 AM Panel One: Global Disruption and Simultaneous Conflicts: Middle East, Ukraine, and Taiwan Strait

  • Panelists:
    • Jacqueline Deal (Foreign Policy Research Institute)
    • Alexander Gray (Global Taiwan Institute/American Foreign Policy Council)
    • Lai I-Chung (Prospect Foundation)
    • RADM (ret.) Phil Yu (Atlantic Council)
  • Moderator:
    • Russell Hsiao (Global Taiwan Institute)

10:45 AM – 10:50 AM Coffee Break

10:50 AM – 12:20 PM Panel Two: Cross-Strait Relations, 2024 Elections, and US Policy

  • Panelists:
    • Brent Christensen (Brigham Young University)
    • Willy Lam (The Jamestown Foundation)
    • Vincent Chao (Taipei City Council)
    • Matt Salmon (Arizona State University)
  • Moderator:
    • Shirley Kan (Global Taiwan Institute)

12:20 PM – 1:00 PM Luncheon Keynote (video)

  • H.E. Chia-Lung Lin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan (ROC)

1:00 PM – 2:45 PM Panel Three: Defense and Security Assistance

  • Panelists:
    • RADM (ret.) Mike Studeman, USN (MITRE)
    • BRIG GEN (ret.) Dave Stilwell (Air Force Academy’s Institute for Future Warfare)
    • Bonny Lin (Center for Strategic & International Studies)
    • Liza Tobin (Special Competitive Studies Project)
  • Moderator:
    • John Dotson (Global Taiwan Institute)

2:45 PM – 3:00 PM Coffee Break

3:00 PM – 3:30 PM Closing Keynote

  • Michael S. Chase
    Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for China, Taiwan and Mongolia
