


Recording: Prospects for US-Taiwan Economic Cooperation

Recording: Prospects for US-Taiwan Economic Cooperation

(Prospects for US-Taiwan Economic Cooperation: TPP and Beyond, Part 1)

(Prospects for US-Taiwan Economic Cooperation: TPP and Beyond, Part 2)

Prospects for US-Taiwan Economic Cooperation: TPP and Beyond took place on December 14 at the Global Taiwan Institute in Washington, D.C. The panel focused on the prospects for economic cooperation between the United States and Taiwan under a new administration. Our experts discussed President-Elect Donald Trump’s intention to withdraw from the TPP, its implications for Taiwan, and what opportunities might exist for bilateral trade and investment deals between the US and Taiwan. The panel was made up of Dr. Robert Wang, formerly Senior US Official for APEC and long-time Foreign Service Officer; Rupert Hammond-Chambers, President of the US-Taiwan Business Council; and Dr. Derek Scissors, noted expert on US-Asia economic relations, currently resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. The panel was moderated by GTI Executive Director Russell Hsiao.
